Michal Pechardo

“This lens is a time machine.”

Photo by Andrew Tower
Recapturing a legacy.

When Michal Pechardo’s family lost every photo they had in a terrible flood, he decided to pick up a camera and make some new memories

What started as a goal to photograph his wife and kids soon grew to encompass parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, siblings, and more—and as he shared the joy of a perfectly-timed candid or a family photo shoot with these loved ones, they began to remember the true, timeless power of photography.

I don't know if those early photos were good or bad, but it didn't matter, you know? They just loved that they had that memory. That fed my passion. The more photos I took, the more I understood that this was something really important for our family.”

Photo by Andrew Tower
Photo by Andrew Tower
Photos by Michal Pechardo
Where photos are forever.

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